Wednesday, July 9, 2008

No shoes, no circ, no problems

Today’s politics are all about choice: a woman’s right to choose, black people’s right to vote, Burger king’s “Have it your way” slogan. Unfortunately, there is one group that is being drastically overlooked. Today, millions of male-Americans are being violated without consent in a process known as circumcision. A source that wishes to remain unnamed confided, “I wake up at night sometimes in a cold sweat fearing for the safety of my foreskin, only to realize that it’s gone. No one ever asked me. They just took it.”

Awareness about this problem is crucial. Visit for more information.

"Circumcision denies a male's right to
genital integrity and choice for his own body."

Freedom: it begins in your pants.


Katie said...

that graphic is so well, graphic. please tell me that the anonymous person is not someone that i know?!?

great blog - keep it coming.

Katie said...


p.s. you know who is not coming over tonight so you don't have to either if you don't want :)