Saturday, July 5, 2008

Story Time

One day, in East Atlanta, basically Decatur, but still totally inside I-285, there lived a baby brown bear and a chocolate lab. They were happy and played video games, and liked to bike together. They also liked to pursue academic interests such as getting degrees and high gpas. Then one day, the sun went away almost as quickly as it came. A giant red-bearded dragon/raccoon hybrid singled them out. It was jealous of their happiness and wanted to take it away. It wanted to kill the baby brown bear and eat the chocolate lab. It hated that two animals that were so different could love each other. The baby brown bear and the chocolate lab decided the only way to make themselves stronger would be to get married. That way, the red-bearded dragon/raccoon hybrid couldn’t do anything to hurt them. Or could it?

Stay tuned for the next installment of…
This Story is About Real People

1 comment:

Katie said...

so are mr. and mrs. bear/lab going to get a new baby zebra soon? I hear the atlanta african safari baby placement service is giving away zebras to anyone these days :)